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The Barbara Resume

  • This instant download contains a zip-file an editable resume in Microsoft Word.
  • Easy to customize
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple pages
  • See below for complete description and additional information


Standing out with a black and white resume, is that possible? With the Barbara Resume it is! This template gives your resume flair while maintaining a professional look, making it suited for all sorts of professions. We’ve included a free reference section and for longer careers a second page is added. The whole set comes in both US Letter and A4 format. In case you were wondering…the logo with initials in the top-right corner is super easy to edit.

How to Use the Barbara Resume

1. Open the ‘INFO’ file and install the Lato font
2. Open the Barbara Resume with your version of Word
3. Re-save the file with a new name for convenience
4. Save the template as both pdf and docx.
5. Print out, save as pdf or send online