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minimal covering letter

James Dunn Cover Letter

  • This instant download contains a zip-file an editable resume in Microsoft Word.
  • Easy to customize
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple pages
  • See below for complete description and additional information


James Dunn Cover Letter is a minimal template that combines the use of slab serif and sans serif typefaces. The combination of modern typography and grayscale color makes this cover letter an easy read for busy interviewers or hiring managers alike. In order to score an interview, you have to first make interviewers’ lives easier. Sure, your three-paged resume might seem impressive, but in reality, an interviewer would have appreciated a covering letter that details on how your past experiences could bring value to the vacant position. With that being said, always remember to carry along a physical copy of your cover letter and resume template to the interview. Grab James Dunn Resume to go along with your cover letter.

James Dunn Cover Letter Instructions

  1. Check your email for the download link (if you don’t see it in your inbox, check your Spam or Junk folder).
  2. Download the file and unzip it.
  3. Open the A4 or US Letter version in Microsoft Word or Apple Pages and start editing it with your details.
  4. Once you are happy with the changes, save it as .docx so you can make changes in the future.
  5. If you wish to share your cover letter online, save it as .PDF and publish it.
  6. Or print it out and bring it along to your job interview.


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