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Emma Walters Resume A4-1

The Emma Resume

  • This instant download contains a zip-file an editable resume in Microsoft Word.
  • Easy to customize
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple pages
  • See below for complete description and additional information


The Emma Resume will make you stand out in a sea of applicants while maintaining that professional look you should be after with your Curriculum Vitae. Customize everything or just replace the dummy info with your own, it’s all up to you. No design skills are necessary, it’s all simple and fun.

Emma Resume Template – How it Works

1. Install the included font (a 10-second process, instructions included).
2. Open the Emma Resume template with your Word processor, either MS Word or Word for Mac works
3. Start by re-saving with a new filename so that you always have a copy of the original file
4. Save as both docx and pdf
5. Print out the pdf and/or send online

Product Type
