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Ivan Martono Resume_A4-1

The Ivan Resume

  • This instant download contains a zip-file an editable resume in Microsoft Word.
  • Easy to customize
  • Microsoft Word
  • Apple pages
  • See below for complete description and additional information


The Ivan Resume is a creative resume template ideal for a variety of careers, such as IT, Accounting, Business, Marketing, or sales. This professional resume utilizes a simple and clean layout with graphical icons for each section. This resume is perfect for ambitious professionals that want their resume to stand out in today’s busy job market.


1. Install the font included in the zip file. This is a super easy process (.txt file with instructions is in the file as well)
2. Open the Ivan Resume with your version of Word and replace the dummy information with your own
3. Save as pdf and docx
4. Print out the pdf or send it online

Product Type
