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As a student you’d rather spend your money on booze than on a resume template, right? Being students ourselves not too long ago we hear ‘ya!

How to get a free resume template

It wouldn’t be fair to our other customers to just hand you poor students over a free template, so we have a proposal for you. If you help us spread the word about ResumeShoppe we’ll help you with a free resume. Sounds fair?

Here’s what you can do:


Lots of colleges and universities offer the possibility to start a student blog on their site. Just write a blog entry and tell your fellow students about our site. If you have your own site, that’s fine by us as well.


Share on Facebook.
Let your friends know about us by posting a status update and get at least 5 likes and 5 shares on your message.


Share on other Social Media channels. You have no access to a blog and think Facebook is for your parents? Send us your Instagram, Twitter or other Social Media account in advance and we’ll give it a quick look and let you know the requirements.



E-mail us a link to the blog post or social update and let us know which resume template you want.
We’ll send it to you right away!