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17 New Job Quotes That Will Give You Motivation!


Landed that new job – either with or without the help of our creative resume templates – and feeling anxious to start? Let’s get you in the right mood with our favorite new job quotes!   1. “I…

Here’s 27 Of The Most Creative Resumes You’ll Ever See

Creativity, Resume Tips

The resume ideas on this list are some of the most creative around. I mean, these are the resumes which are going to get noticed. Obviously you should not be stealing any of these ideas, but hopefully looking…

Nina Mufleh wanted a dream job at Airbnb so she created this awesome resume


Nina Mufleh wanted to work at Airbnb really bad. Of course she is not the only one and she new this very well. After months of bombarding the company with e-mails and calls she decided to take her…

Hacking the Invisible Job Market By Networking


Experts say that a mere 20% of jobs are advertised and that the remaining 80% of existing jobs are in the “invisible job market.”  As unfair as it may be that you have no easy way of learning…