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The Best Way to Convey Work Experience

Resume Tips

  Work experience shows future employers what you have been qualified to do in the past, and it also shows what type of worker you have been, and potentially what type of worker you will be. It is…

Is your picture in your resume?

Resume Tips

  We have Facebook and Linkedin profile pictures. Pictures of our faces are front and center on our driver’s licenses, passports, and visas. Our faces are consistently used as a way to identify who we are, so why shouldn’t…

Resume Liar: Walmart VP Resigns After Company Discovers He Never Graduated


Recent reports by Time indicate that Walmart’s spokesperson has been caught red handed with misrepresentations on his resume. David Tovar, Vice President of Communications at Walmart, and the company’s public voice and spokesperson, will be resigning from the…

A resume made out of cake? How a sweet idea landed this girl a job at Zappos

Resume Tips

Creative resumes have been a growing trend in recent years as employers desperately search for creative minds. Even careers which wouldn’t normally be categorized as needing creative individuals (customer support, IT, retail, etc.) are on the lookout for…

5 Reasons Everyone Should use a Creative Resume

Resume Tips

Before meeting you in person, a resume is the first introduction a prospective employer will receive. It gives them your personal information, your work history and any skills or interests you may have. However, on average, an employer…